Things Fat Girls Wear Too: High Legged Pants

I’ve been in a little body confidence slump lately – having spoken about it last week (and a huge thank you to all those kind enough to reach out with support, your love and caring words have meant the world) I decided to lift myself up, brush myself down, and find a way to fall back in love with myself again.

One thing that has really helped me in the past is the simple act of taking a selfie.   It is not a new concept, there is a whole movement on Instagram called #selfiesforselflove which celebrates a little bit of conceited vanity because it allows you to see the goodness in your appearance, too see the twinkle in your eye and the smile on your face and realise that, even though you may not conform to the restricted societal ideals, you are still beautiful.

Another way of picking myself back up is to show that I can wear the things that people often don’t associate (or even say shouldn’t be worn) by a fat girl.   I find empowerment in defiance and so have decided to start a little series, Things Fat Girls Wear Too – first up … high legged pants!

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The preserve of smooth bellies and a lack of love-handles – the high-legged pant is something I really see on plus size instagrammers who often seem to prefer a full brief or vintage-style high-waited pant.

There are exceptions – can we take a moment to appreciate Felicity Hayward and Curvy Wordy for showing us that high-legged pants can look great on plus size gals?

Things Fat Girls Wear Too: High Legged Pants

Yet the norm is for big knickers.  In fact, I struggle to find a scanty thong in my size – it’s like our fat bodies must remained covered, our love handles contained, our dimpled stomachs hidden.

But I love a high-legged thong; they are light and breezy, they prevent VPL under skin tight  jeans, and they’re pretty damn sexy.

Things Fat Girls Wear Too_ High Legged Pants

Do you like a high-legged pant?

C x